Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Bright Screen...The Internet and Beyond

Commercial after commercial after commercial. Normally, when the commercials come on I buzz around the house searching for something to do. But a few days ago, the avoidable commercials peeped through my screen and fell into my lap. I was sitting in a room with a small crowd of people. I was watching a show about a wolf man and his girlfriend. The couple studies wolves for research. They both eat, howl, and maneuver like wolves. But anyway, every 20 to 30 minutes a commercial would glide across the television screen. I realized that every single commercial is an advertisement for medication, toys, mouthwash, etc. The commercial nearly forces an onlooker to purchase Colgate whitening toothpaste or to buy FiberOne cereal. I pitied the young man or young woman, who is persuaded by these ads. Christmas season must be agonizing for a parent. "I want this, I want that." I can hear the voice of an innocent, and unaware child at this very moment. I can recall that voice so clearly because I was once that child. Deep down inside I wanted everything, asking for 80 percent of my wishes only hoping for 20 percent. I was reading the article assigned to the class, and I came across a section that struck me. I can not control the commercials that flood my television screen. The standard remote is useful for switching channels but useless for zooming by commercials. The world wide web offers something new and refreshing: CONTROL. When I go on the internet I pick and choose what I want to read, watch, play, etc. I am not bombarded by annoying advertisements that try to tell me how to think, what to wear, what toothpaste to use, or what is the best medication to take for heartburn. I simply search Google, type in my inquiry, and results appear within seconds. I am free. Just a quick question regarding video media. Why do Internet users still have trouble watching videos over the web?

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